Молекулярная фотофизика

Проф. В.Б. Совков

Профессиональные интересы группы составляют алгоритмы и соответствующие методы предсказания фотофизических процессов молекулярных систем. В частности, члены научного коллектива занимаются анализом спектроскопических данных квантовых систем в световых полях. К области научных инетересов группы относится также анализ и предсказание свойств ансамблей атомов и молекул при ультранизких температурах (суперохлаждение)

Одним из продуктов является пакет программ в среде МАТЛАБ (Пакет Optimizer)

Briefly, the package is aimed at constructing and optimizing general mathematical and physical models. It is written in the Matlab algorithmic language and is executed from under Matlab environment with partial functionality in Octave. The convenient visual interface and the detailed manuals are provided. The main benefit of the package is its capability of constructing models of any level of complexity in a block-by-block manner. Elementary model blocks can be collected in libraries, and we have already written many such library programs, intended to be published separately. The package provides the most reliable modern strategies for linear and non-linear model optimization, regularization, hypothesis tests. Parallel computing is supported.

The first presentation of the package and its illustrative applications to the spectroscopy of ultracold alkali metal dimers was done at the conference AMSM16:
V. B. Sovkov and J. Ma, in Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Simulation and Modelling, Advances in Computer Science Research, edited by A. Dadvand, K. Nagaraja, and M. Mirzazadeh (Atlantis Press, Beijing, China, 2016) pp. 369–372 (No. 083),