Ниже представлен список последних работ нашей лаборатории:
- The HeI2(ion-pair states) van der Waals complexes.
V.V. Baturo, S.S. Lukashov, S.A. Poretsky, A.M. Pravilov*, A.I. Zhironkin
Chem.Phys.Lett. 2016, In Press - The ArI2(ion-pair states) van der Waals complexes
V.V. Baturo, I.N. Cherepanov, S.S. Lukashov, S.A. Poretsky, A.M. Pravilov
Chem.Phys.Lett. 647, 2016, 2016, 161-164 - Non-adiabatic transitions between first tier ion-pair states of I2 induced by collisions with Ar atoms
M.E. Akopyan, V.V. Baturo, S.S. Lukashov, S.A. Poretsky, A.M. Pravilov
Chem.Phys. 462 (2015) 3–11, 10.1016/j.chemphys.2015.08.014 - V.V. Baturo, S.S. Lukashov, S.A. Poretsky, A.M. Pravilov, O.S. Vasyutinskii, Mixing of the D0+u and δ2u ion-pair states of iodine molecule, Chem.Phys.Lett. 638 (2015) 244–248.
- Hyperfine interaction in molecular iodine between the 0+g , 1u and 0−u states correlating with the I(2P1/2) + I(2P1/2) dissociation limit
M.E. Akopyan, V.V. Baturo, S.S. Lukashov, L.D. Mikheev, S.A. Poretsky, A.M. Pravilov, O.S. Vasyutinskii
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 48 (2015) 025102, 10.1088/0953-4075/48/2/025102 - (ссылка) Dipole moment functions of the iodine D’2g — A’2u, D0+u → a’ 0+g, D0+u → X0+g and E0+g → B0+u transitions.
M.E. Akopyan, V.V. Baturo, S.S. Lukashov, S.A. Poretsky and A.M. Pravilov
J. Phys. B. 44, 205101 (2011) - Dynamics and mechanism of the non-adiabatic transitions from the ungerade I2(D0+u) state induced by collisions with rare gas atoms
J. Chem. Phys. 133, 244304 (2010); doi:10.1063/1.3517503
M. E. Akopyan, E. I. Khadikova, S. S. Lukashov, S. A. Poretsky, A. M. Pravilov, A. A. Buchachenko, and Yu. V. Suleimanov - Time resolved studies of decay of the XeI2(IP) complexes
Chemical Physics, Volume 362, Issues 1-2, 30 July 2009, Pages 27-33
M.E. Akopyan, S.S. Lukashov, Yu.D. Maslennikova, S.A. Poretsky, A.M. Pravilov - On mechanism of population of the I2(β) state under photolysis of the I2 + SF6 mixture
Chemical Physics Letters, Volume 470, Issues 4-6, 5 March 2009, Pages 191-195
M.E. Akopyan, S.S. Lukashov, S.A. Poretsky, A.M. Pravilov, A.S. Torgashkova - Non-adiabatic transitions from the I2(E) induced by the transition dipole moment of I2(E–D) and the electric dipole moment of collision partners
Chemical Physics Letters, Volume 458, Issues 1-3, 6 June 2008, Pages 29-34
M.E. Akopyan, S.S. Lukashov, Yu.D. Maslennikova, S.A. Poretsky, A.M. Pravilov, A.S. Torgashkova - Non-adiabatic E -> D, D′, β, γ, δ transitions in the first ion-pair tier of molecular iodine induced by collisions with I2, N2 and CO2
Chemical Physics, Volume 342, Issues 1-3, 6 December 2007, Pages 173-183
M.E. Akopyan, S.S. Lukashov, E.I. Khadikova, E.A. Nikandrova, S.A. Poretsky, A.M. Pravilov, A.S. Torgashkova - Optical population of free iodine molecule ion-pair states and their RgI2(IP) complexes via RgI2 vdW complexes of valence states correlating with the third dissociation limit
Chemical Physics, Volume 336, Issues 2-3, 27 July 2007, Pages 109-120
S.S. Lukashov, I.Yu. Novikova, S.A. Poretsky, A.M. Pravilov, A.S. Torgashkova - Non-adiabatic E -> D, D′, β, γ, δ transitions in the first ion-pair tier of molecular iodine induced by collisions with I2, He, Ar, Kr, Xe
Chemical Physics Letters, Volume 436, Issues 1-3, 27 February 2007, Pages 1-6
M.E. Akopyan, A.A. Buchachenko, S.S. Lukashov, S.A. Poretsky, A.M. Pravilov, Yu.V. Suleimanov, A.S. Torgashkova, T.V. Tscherbul - Resonant optical excitation of the I2 ion-pair states through the RgI2 complexes in the valence states correlating to the 2P1/2 + 2P1/2 limit
Chemical Physics Letters, Volume 427, Issues 4-6, 31 August 2006, Pages 259-264
M.E. Akopyan, A.A. Buchachenko, S.S. Lukashov, I.Yu. Novikova, S.A. Poretsky, A.M. Pravilov